• Robert 0086 18661157515

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  • Robert 0086 18661157515


Global pet food industry market status and development trend analysis
2022-02-10 16:39:34

The global pet food market developed earlier and has entered a mature stage, and the overall pattern is relatively stable. For example, Mars is one of the largest pet food companies in the world. It began to produce pet food in 1935 and has many leading international pet food brands, including Bolo dog food and Weijia cat food. Nestle Punary is one of the largest pet food manufacturers in the United States; Spu Holdings, Inc. is a national consumer products company and a leading supplier of specialty pet products. But there is also no shortage of late shows, such as Blue Jue Blue Buffalo, Snow Mountain, Aikena (Champion) and so on.

The biggest feature of the global pet food market is high monopoly, which is basically monopolized by several large enterprises such as Mars and Nestle. In the long-term market competition, these enterprises have mastered rich experience in market development, have high brand awareness, reputation and loyalty, and have strong product research and development and capital advantages, the development of these enterprises directly affects the trend of the world pet food market. In 2018, the top five Pet food manufacturers in the world were Mars, Nestle, JM Smucker, Hills and Diamond Pet Foods, with a total market sales of 37.977 billion US dollars, accounting for 89.84% of the total revenue of the top ten enterprises.

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